- Son of Lou Ella EX(92) GMD DOM
- Owned by Flatness International Inc.
- Walkup Valiant Lou Ella EX(92) GMD DOM
- Full Sister to Special's EX(91) GMD DOM Gr. Grand dam
- Rothrock Tradition LEADMAN EX(93) GM
- Mat. Grandsire of Special and son of Special's Gr.Dam's full sister
- Walkup Astronaut Lou Ann EX(94) GMD DOM
- Great Granddam of Special
- Mat. Gr. Dtr. of Lou Ella
- Hyndl Demand Lauren, Gold Medal Dam
- She was a huge cow weighing over a ton
- 2-yr 2x 365d 35,308M 3.6% 1268F 3.5% 1243P
- Her dam was a VG(88) Belltone dtr of Lou-Ella EX(92)GMD. Lauren topped the Heindel ,Pa dispersal when she was a bred heifer. That's when I bought her.
- La Lisa, made over 30,000m @ 2yr.
- Also a dtr. by MANAT..below LauretteVG(87)VG(87) Mam. @2-10
- Lauren also has aVG(85)VG(87) Mam 2yr old by SUPERSTAR..Lonestar..above, was owned by Flatness Intl.
- Flatness-Intl Laurette-ET,VG(87),VG(87) Mam (2nd lactation photo, right)
- Excellent.. Dairy Strength @ 2-10
- +1080M +39F +40P, Dev.+3,502M +129F
- 1-10 2x 365d 34,827m 3.9% 1356f 3.4% 1184p
- 3-02 2x 365d 34,997m 3.9% 1399f 3.7% 1295p
- Laurette...Lauren's Dtr by Manat, has a milking 2yr old by TORNADO , Flatness-Intl Lysah GP(83) 2yr, photo below
- Flatness-Intl TORNADO Lysah, GP(83)@ 2yrs.
- Lysah's 4th dam is Lou Ella EX(92) the dam of LIGHTNING EX(94)GM and Leadman EX(93)GM
- Peaked at 104 lbs. per day, ME 36,441m 1298f 1080p -No BST
- ACTUAL, 1-10 2X 365d 31,857m 3.6%1141f 3.2%1019p
- +1,223 PDM, +4,647 lbs milk over herd-mates,
- Bred & owned by Flatness International, Inc.